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VB36 by steinert®
The legendary Master Bowlturner Lathe VB36 - Made by steinert®
In the early 1990's Nigel Voisey and Roger Buse threw all conventions about woodturning lathes overboard and created a masterpiece of English engineering: The VB36 Master Bowlturner Lathe.
Since then, the VB36 has had a triumphal course around the globe. There are very few woodturners around have not heard about the VB36 and many dream of having this piece of machinery in their workshop.
After many successful years of VB36 being manufactured by Hegner UK its original designers, followed by a few years with Technology Supplies Ltd. (UK), the VB36 took its legacy from Great Britain to Germany. The VB36 manufacturing has moved to the Erzgebirge region in Germany in June 2013 and is now part of the passionate, family run, woodturning supply business and lathe manufacturing "steinert®" (steinert®, hapfo®, Killinger®, WEMA®). steinert® is keeping the legend alive and will prepare the VB36 for the future. We are very proud to take on this responsibility.